Shelburne, Vt. – Homeowners at Shelburnewood Mobile Home Park took a big step forward toward securing their financial futures when they collectively bought their neighborhood as a residents cooperative today.
For 10 years, Shelburnewood residents have lived in a state of uncertainty about the future of their neighborhood and their homes. In early 2005, residents received notice that the mobile home park was going to be shut down and sold to a developer and that homeowners would be forced to move their homes elsewhere. Ever since, residents have had to organize, first to stop the park closure, and then to find a way to purchase the community and preserve it as affordable housing. Read more…
Former community owner Tony Pomerleau celebrates the sale to Shelburnewood Mobile Home Cooperative with members of the now resident-owned community’s Board of Directors on Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2015, at his offices in Burlington, Vt. Pictured are (from left): Peter Daigle, Pomerleau, Tracey Beaudin, Morgan LaCalair, James Stanis Jr., and Victoria Carleton.