Congratulations Real Pickles on transitioning to a Cooperative!

Real Pickles is now a Cooperative!

Friends of Real Pickles:

As of today, we are now a worker-owned cooperative!  Hurray!!

Thanks to huge support from our community, a successful community investment campaign, and many months of hard work from our founding co-op team here at Real Pickles, this morning we signed the documents that made the conversion official.  Real Pickles is now “Real Pickles Cooperative.”

We are still the same folks who bring you healthy, fermented veggies from regional, organic farms – but now we have expanded our mission to include a democratic workplace and access to ownership for our employees.  We have also secured our social mission for the long term!

If you are interested in reading more about our co-op transition, here are some links to pieces that we’ve developed throughout the process.  Enjoy!!

Best wishes from the founding co-op members,
Dan, Addie Rose, Kristin, Brendan, and Annie
Thanks for your support!
Real Pickles | 311 Wells Street | Greenfield, Massachusetts 01301