About Us

About CDI and our mission

The Cooperative Development Institute (CDI) is a regional 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 1994 by co-op leaders in the Northeast. Our mission is to create and sustain democratically owned, cooperative enterprises and networks in the Northeast that grow a prosperous and equitable economy. We envision a world where every person can fulfill their needs and aspirations.

Pictured: CDI Team members at a recent retreat.

What is a cooperative?

A cooperative is an organization that is owned by its members, democratically controlled by its members, and operated for the benefit of its members. Simply put, in a co-op, each member owns one share in the organization and gets one vote in its key governance decisions. 

Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes. Well-known examples of cooperatively owned enterprises include credit unions, grocery stores, utilities such as electric companies, housing, and retail stores. Some are owned by three people, and some are owned by hundreds or even thousands. A co-op can be owned by workers, consumers, producers, residents, artists, businesses, and more. 

CDI believes cooperatives can help transform the lives of individuals, towns, cities, and the country. Because co-ops are democratically owned and run by those they’re meant to serve, they allow people to work together to create viable businesses and good jobs that improve communities and promote shared values.

What does CDI do?

We work with communities and businesses to:

  • Start cooperatives from concept through launch 
  • Strengthen existing co-ops 
  • Organize resident owned communities
  • Create co-op models for local food enterprises 
  • Transition existing businesses into co-ops by facilitating worker or community buy-outs
  • Provide cooperative solutions for immigrant communities

CDI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All donations are tax-deductible!

Our values

CDI’s work is about transformation. We believe that cooperation as a foundation for change allows for creative, democratic and just solutions. We support real-world transformations by helping groups become co-owners of the places where they work and live.

How we do our work is as important as the outcomes of the work itself. We strive to live the values we teach, working together with mutual respect and accountability, communicating openly and honestly. As we serve those in need, we learn from those at the center of injustice.

Read more about how we act on our values: https://cdi.coop/our-values/

We summarize our core values with the following graphic:


Our Annual Reports
Our history

In 1992, Brian Henehan of the Northeast Cooperative Council and Anders Ferguson, an independent entrepreneur, began bringing together cooperative leaders from across New England and New York to identify opportunities for joint activities and business development, and to build a vision for a thriving cooperative economy in the Northeast. They conducted a needs assessment for cooperative education and training, and catalogued cooperatives across the region. In the spring of 1994, these cooperative leaders, representing the wide range of cooperative enterprises found in the Northeast, established the Cooperative Development Institute.

CDI is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Contact Us:

Phone: 1-877-NE-COOPS  OR 413-665-1271
Fax: 413-541-8300
Email: info@cdi.coop
Press Inquires: hholland@cdi.coop