In a very real sense, CDI is the people who work here. As part of our website relaunch in 2014, we’re periodically bringing you the voice of the staff so you can get to know our team. The newest member of our growing NEROC crew is Colleen Preston, a resident (and past president) of Cranberry Village and a board member of the ROC Association. As you can see from her post, eight months in we haven’t scared her off yet. We look forward to many rewarding years to come!

As we begin 2015, we are welcoming our newest staff member, Jonah Fertig, founder of Local Sprouts Cooperative and creator of Cooperative Fermentation. He’s taking on a bunch of work with the Small and Socially Disadvantaged Producers program, as well as researching cooperatively owned cafes and restaurants and providing support to worker and farmer co-ops more broadly.
On CDI’s board, we bid farewell to three faithful members — Heather Blersch, Rosemary Fifield, and staff representative Kathleen Fekete. And three new members joined, Gowri Krishna, a lawyer teaching at Roger Williams University where she started up the Community Economic Development Clinic, Betsy Sommers, a Senior Vice President at the Seasons Federal Credit Union in CT, and our new staff rep. Jessica Pooley. We’re excited to have these new members sharing their wealth of knowledge and guiding CDI toward our vision of a cooperative economy in the Northeast.